Posted on February 27 2019

Melanie and Anna Grace are the latest to be featured in our M O M G E N E S campaign. This duo gave us all the laughs (and heart eyes) while in our studio. They are so fun to be around with their funny banter and dance moves. We had a million things to share about these two, but Melanie covered it all about Anna...
Melanie shared, "First of all, she is the kindest, sweetest, most caring, non judgmental girl in the world. Her beauty radiates from within, just like her grandfather's did!… She is super athletic & competitive and LOVES tennis, like her mom!!! 🤗 She is a hard worker on and off the court and it shows. She loves her twin brother, Garrett, and her family/friends. My dad, before he passed away, called her his Nannie-Noo!! That fit her perfectly, kind and so much fun!!!”
We loved having these two in the studio--It was like a mini dance party, we couldn’t stop laughing together!